
The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness is unavailable, but you can change that!

To be human is to desperately need forgiveness. And not only God's. Real forgiveness is vital for healthy, strong relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, friends, co-workers, and everyone in between. What's the difference between forgiving someone and tolerating sin? How should you and your church respond when a professing believer refuses to repent of sin? How does modern...

who insist on confronting every wrong often simply stir strife—the antithesis of what Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness was intended to produce. Real love should cover the vast majority of transgressions, not constantly haul them out in the open for dissection (1 Pet. 4:8). TO CONFRONT OR NOT TO CONFRONT? All of this calls for some careful distinctions. Obviously there are times when confrontation is essential. How do we identify those situations? Are there clear biblical principles that teach us when
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